Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The End is Near!

In my last post I talked about my goal to complete a collections inventory.  My volunteers and I have definitely made progress and the end is in sight!  We have finished writing down all the objects in storage, and the volunteers have entered location information into the database.  But we still have some objects that we're not sure what they are or where they came from. 

This is my favorite part of collections work ... trying to match up puzzles.  I haven't had a chance to really look at the inventory we've done and search the database or the files to match up questions to answers.  But I hope to do so soon. 

When I was in graduate school at Seton Hall University, I spent one semester as an intern at the Newark Museum.  Rebecca Buck, Registrar, gave me the project of matching up the "backlog" of donations from 1988 with files and database records.  I got such a thrill when I finish!  I couldn't wait for the next puzzle.

Next week, I'm headed to San Antonio for the Texas Association of Museums annual meeting & conference.  I'm actually presenting this time around about my efforts with the Train to Share grant program.  I'm looking forward to networking and seeing what the museums in San Antonio have to offer!