Thursday, February 10, 2011

Art & Alzheimer's

I am subscribed to numerous professional email lists, from the regular In the Loop email newsletter from the Society of American Archivists (SAA) to the occassional email blasts from the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH). One subscription that I look forward to perusing is the Dispatches from the Future of Museums, a weekly email blast which consolidates news articles and blog posts about museums and the future.

One of this week's highlighted articles is entitled Art and Alzheimer's at the University of Virginia.

My maternal grandfather had that horrible disease and I'm always interested in learning about it and its treatments. It was hard on my grandmother and the rest of the family as my Papa slowly but steadily drifted into the disease.

I have heard of MoMA's program for Alzheimer's patients and I think it's great that other museums, like the University of Virginia Art Museum, are adopting similar programs. According to the article, several of the patients react positively while participating in the program. I just wonder if those positive strives present themselves outside of the museum setting.

What do you think? Do you think art helps Alzheimer's patients? Would you like to see programs like the ones at MoMA and UVa in an art museum near you?

Friday, February 4, 2011

January Wrap-Up & February Preview

I cannot believe the first month of 2011 has come and gone already! Things have been seemingly low-key at the Museum this month.

One major accomplishment for January: I completed my major project of creating an accession register for the archvies & library donations since 1965. It's nice to know what the Museum actually has! Not only did I create an electronic register (thanks to Excel), I also added most gift/donation information to our collection management database Re:Discovery. With time, and practice, every piece in our collections should be searchable in the database! That will allow us to better serve researchers, visitors and just interested people! Next step? Conducting an inventory to match up actual items (objects, books, manuscripts, etc) with the information. Wish me luck!

Now I can also turn my attention to the Train to Share project I've discussed multiple times here. We are finally ready to start uploading the digital objects and their associated metadata! Hopefully the team will be able to upload our 1000 objects!

Lately, I've also been very busy with researchers and other visitors looking for photographs. In fact, one Friday (typically a quiet day for the Archives Center) I had three appointments and a conference call scheduled. I had to schedule another researcher for the next week because I was so busy! It's great that the Library & Archives Center has had such a demand!

February will be a busy month for the Museum. On the 17th, we'll host our third Family Science Night of the [academic] year: Inventions! Come to the Museum between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. to learn and explore well-known and not-so-well-known inventions. Lemonade and cookies are provided! Then, a couple of days later, the Museum will host Read-A-Rama on Saturday, the 19th. Come explore the wonderful world of reading and literacy!