2) Complete inventory of all collections in storage.
With the help of two volunteers, I've made strides on the inventory of collection storage. There certainly seems to be more questions than answers at the moment, but we should have a comprehensive list of what is in storage soon!
3) Develop & implement plan for moving collections off-site.
This one I've waited on until I know more details about the renovation. The Capital Campaign is making major headway, and this project looks to be taking off!
4) Gain more meaningful followers on the Museum's social media tools (Facebook & Twitter).
With the help of the Marketing and Education Departments, the social media tools are gaining followers. I haven't analyzed the numbers but I think there will be meaningful gains. Be sure to like the Museum on Facebook and Twitter, if you haven't already. We do a lot of different features: Dates in History, Facebook Fridays, and now Science Saturdays and Whatzit Wednesdays! Be in the know...
5) Be an advocate for the Museum while at work and while not at work.
This is much harder to count or measure. However, I was asked this morning to give a presentation about collection management in late February. And I'll be attending the Texas Association of Museums' annual meeting & conference in March.
I can't wait to see what the next few weeks hold ...!